
Cannabis Flower Honey

This looks like food of Gods! 

Honey & Cannabis

Making raw honey elixir from ripe fresh ganja flowers collects the healing, non psychoactive acidic cannabinoids. Neutral cannabinoids are present when the flowers are heated. Combining the neutral and the acidic cannabinoids plays a very important role in your body's ability to absorb/uptake these important healing adaptogens. 

We suggest that you prepare your medicine by raw means AND heat infused means. Both are important for full spectrum healing. Honey is a great way to extract the medicinal compounds from any medicinal plant because it is easy to make, store and eat. 

Honey is an amazing water soluble preservative that contains uncountable beneficial bacteriae. 

To make a flower honey just fill a jar to the top with only sugared buds and then fill with honey until it covers the top of the flowers. Stir often and let set for at least 1 full moon cycle. 

Use in raw recipes or just scoop it out of the jar and eat it!

If you want to strain the flowers, heat the honey to only a softer consistency ( put it next to the wood stove or in a warm area but do not heat from stove or oven because you do not want those acidic cannabinoids to turn neutral)

From instagram of dragonflyearthmedicine


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