Many scientific and clinical studies indicate that CBD could be effective in easing symptoms of a wide range of difficult-to-control conditions, including: rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, PTSD, epilepsy, antibiotic-resistant infections and neurological disorders.
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We at Phoenix Tears are asking you to join with us in this worldwide internet protest. Our aim is to bring hemp, man’s oldest known and safest medication, back into widespread medicinal use.
Our research, backed by hundreds of other studies done worldwide, has proven properly made hemp medicine provides relief or cures many diseases, even cancer. Throughout thousands of years of medicinal use hemp has been known as a panacea, which means cure-all and not without good reason. We have provided hemp medicine to hundreds of people with various medical conditions and the results speak for themselves.
Governments and corporations have used the word “marijuana” to demonize hemp to the public. Marijuana is one of over 400 slang terms used worldwide to describe the cannabis hemp plant. The public has been told that hemp is a dangerous and addictive drug while scientific studies have proven that this is not true. The essential oil made from the bud of the female hemp plant is the most therapeutically active substance known to man. Millions of people enjoy smoking hemp, but this is the least effective way to use the plant medicinally. The real medical miracles occur when the oil is ingested or used topically on skin infections or diseases – then watch what happens! Hemp is real medicine straight from Mother Nature, not some concoction of chemicals and poisons produced in a pill factory somewhere.
Our aim is to produce hemp medicine on a large scale and make it available to the public on a donation basis. Whether you have the money or not, as long as you have the medical condition you get the medicine, no one has the right to put a price tag on your health.
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Cure Your Own Cancer was established with 3 main goals in mind:
-First, to spread awareness that hemp oil (cannabis oil) is a safe, natural CURE for cancer and to use that information get cannabis legalized across the world.
-Second, is to help you become a natural cancer cure advocate by providing you with knowledge and information about hemp oil and how it treats cancer so you can pass it on to others.
-Third, to provide you with all of the information on hemp oil you will need to help you decide how you want to treat yourself or someone you love.
So if you or someone you know is afflicted with this terrible and completely unnecessary disease, your in the right place. Unfortunatly because of laws prohibiting the medical use of cannabis all across the world, we are unable to offer hemp oil to you. We are very sorry for that, but that is why we are doing this. We are working to get cannabis legalized so that everyone can have access to this amazing medicine. Cannabis is a plant that God has placed on earth for us to use. No man has the right to take it from us, so we will continue to fight for this until we get our RIGHT back! Today alone approximately 20,000 people worldwide will die due to cancer. Help us end the suffering.
Learn more at: Cure your own cancer
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